Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 8, 2014: Staying Ready

Luke 12:35-36 - Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, like men waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him.

The Lord requires that we stay ready for Him to return at any moment.  There two ways that we are to stay ready.  First, we are to be dressed for service; as if we are in the middle of a war.  The second, we are to keep our lamps burning.

Eschatology aside, there is incredible richness in these verses for us as worship leaders.  The very idea that we can open a door for the Lord is amazing.  As Christians we're more accustomed to believing that God can open doors for us than we are believing that we can open door for Him.   But in truth, this is the privilege we have as worship leader.

We can lead people in such a way that worship allows them to experience the presence of God.  We can open that door for God to come and touch a persons life and restore it.  And it's refreshing to note that while we're being described as being at war, Jesus is being described as coming from a wedding; a celebration.  In other words, no matter what we are experiencing in the battler, He comes to where we are from a place of peace, joy, and love.  Wherever a door is opened for Him, good things follow.

As worship leaders, if our goal is to open the door for Him; to lead people into His presence, then the way we do that is by being dressed for service and keeping our lamps burning.

Being dressed for service means that we are wearing armor suited for our battle.  To be without armor is to be defenseless.  And if we are defenseless, how can we be ready to open a door for him?  Being dressed is also about having the right weapons to advance.

We also need to keep our lamps burning so that we can maintain our watch.  If our lamp goes out how will we see when He's coming?  If we can continue to look out for Him we'll be ready to open a door for Him. If we stay in a lifestyle of worship we'll always be able to see through the storms.  When we let go of worship we lose our vision.

The presence of God is looking for open doors through which he can touch and transform people around you, including yourself.  Live a life of staying ready so that you can open doors for him.  Let it transform the way you lead worship.

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