Psalm 84:11 - no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.
God delights in giving good things to his children. He does not lack in generosity; nor does He give begrudgingly. Even more, there is no good thing that he withholds. Anything that is good He will not withhold.
I cannot even fathom all that this statement encompasses. Surely there are many good things. And God does not withhold any of them.
There is only one prerequisite for becoming the target of God's goodness: Being blameless. This can lead us to one of few possible responses. We can try harder to sin less, hoping this is what it means to be blameless or we can give up entirely and believe that God's goodness is only for the super spiritual saints.
But there is another way we can respond to the call to live blameless lives. We can acknowledge that in our own strength we cannot live up to this call, therefore are undeserving of His goodness. But profess that there is One is walk is blameless who has taken our blame upon Himself.
Jesus is the only One deserving of God's abundant goodness, yet He freely offers His life to us.
Colossians 1:22 - he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him
In Christ, we are made blameless and presented blameless before the Father. It has nothing to do with our behavior or our actions, our perfection comes in our trusting in Christ. If blamelessness is based on what you do, you need to live perfect to be perfect. But if blamelessness can be transferred from one who took the punishment for our blame, then we can be perfect just by trusting in Him.
The conclusion to all of this is that all good things are found in Christ. In Him alone is found the reconciliation that makes us blameless to God. And in that is found the life that God does not withhold any good thing.
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