Friday, April 4, 2014

April 4: 2014: Casting Busyness Aside

Luke 10:41-42 -  "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered , "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is need.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

There are few things that make for a productive day more than having a planned schedule.  Planning is essential for life, it is essential for pursuing a vision.  But you can also measure the importance of something in your life by its ability to disrupt your planned schedule.

We make plans because we decide in advance what the most important things are to accomplish in a given day.  But when something unexpected comes up, we evaluate its importance based on our plans.  If it is more important, we change our schedule.  If it's not, we keep our schedule.

Mary and Martha both had things to be doing.  Both apparently were supposed to be handling the preparations.  But it Mary's mind, Jesus' arrival rose above all other things and she let go of her 'to-do list'. Martha kept on with the preparations and was bitter about Mary's change of plans.  To Martha, Jesus was just another distinguished guest to come into their home, nothing more.  If Martha had valued Jesus' presence the same way Mary did, no doubt she would have been found at Jesus' feet as well.

As worship leaders, we also need keep our values in front of us.  We need to remember that we lead people into God's presence and when those moments happen, whether they fit our plan or not, it deserves to be the focal point.

When we come face to face with people's brokenness, let's not pass by because we don't have the time. Let's be willing to deviate from our schedule to meet with Jesus, whether it's when we're leading worship or going through our daily tasks.  Because as Jesus said, "whatever you do unto the least of these, you have done unto me"

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